CYENS Centre of Excellence Apps

Cyprus Tourist Guide 1.6
A guide for tourists visiting Cyprus wishing to experience all itsbeauties.
Social Electricity 1.5
Become energy-aware by energy comparisons with Facebook friends andneighbours.
CovTracer-EN 3.3.12
CovTracer-EN is the official mobile app of the Government ofCyprusfor contact tracing based on your phone’s technology. The appaimsto support the efforts of the Department of Epidemiology (DoE)ofthe Ministry of Health, Government of Cyprus to contain thespreadof COVID-19 among the Cypriot community. Using the app willgive usa better picture of the spread of the virus, plus help tocarry outeffective and meaningful contact tracing, givingup-to-dateexcellent health advice to people exposed to the virusvia infectedcitizens they came in touch with. Specifically, the appusesBluetooth and the Google-Apple Exposure Notification(GAEN)protocol to make a record of when you are close to other appusers.If an app user tests positive for COVID-19, the DoE can askthemfor the records on the app. This will help us to contactotherpeople who might have been affected, and give them the adviceandhelp they need. Fully respecting your data and privacy,theCovTracer-EN app will not: • publicly identify anyone withCOVID-19• make personal data available to the MoE without yourdirectconsent • use your data for any reason other than contacttracingWe ask you to be part of this national effort. Use this appfor oneminute a day to make an important contribution to the fightagainstcoronavirus. Protect yourself, your family, your communityand themost vulnerable in society. Encourage everyone you know todownloadand use the CovTracer-EN app where possible. Our mainphilosophy isthat we can fight COVID-19 collaboratively, byempowering theCypriot society with tools and technologies they caneffectivelyuse, in a fully privacy-preserving way. The CovTracer-EN(the“Mobile App”) has been developed by the CYENS Centre ofExcellence(the "CYENS CoE"), in collaboration with the KIOS CenterofExcellence, University of Cyprus (the “KIOS CoE”) as a JoinProjectassigned by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus(the“MoH”)and Coordinated by the Cyprus National eHealth Authoritywiththe Deputy Ministry of Research Innovation and Digital Policyofthe Republic of Cyprus serving a consultative function.
Driverly 1.2
Helping drivers to stay awake while driving and keeping themsafefrom fatigue.